Tips & Insights

From Cultural Extinction to Digital Renaissance
The Story of the Kichwa People of Sacha Wasi The Kichwa people of Sacha Wasi in the Ecuadorian rainforest have long been at risk of

Navigating the Spiritual Journey: Insights and Reflections from Ayahuasca Participants
Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine that has been used for centuries in shamanic ceremonies by indigenous tribes in the Amazon. It has gained popularity

The Benefits of Ayahuasca: Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit
Ayahuasca is a sacred plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous communities in the Amazon basin for its profound healing

A message from Jesus Dagua about Pacha Mama
Here’s an inspiring message on Pacha Mama from Jesus Dagua, an Indigenous Yachak – in a Kichwa, a Yachak is the spiritual leader of the

The Temple at Sacha Wasi
The Temple at Sacha Wasi The Temple at Sacha Wasi is a sacred sanctuary where the Kichwa connect with their spiritual practices and traditions in

How to prepare for your first Ayahuasca Journey
Preparing for Your First Ayahuasca Retreat: Tips and Advice for a Safe and Transformative Experience in the Amazon Preparing for your first ayahuasca retreat can

Help Save Ayahuasca from Over-Harvesting by Adopting a Vine
Preserving Ayahuasca: The Importance of Adopt-a-Vine Preserving Ayahuasca is crucial, and one way to ensure its sustainability is through initiatives such as Adopt-a-Vine, which not

What do fractals mean in a plant medicine experience?
Fractals are geometric patterns that repeat themselves at different scales, with each iteration creating a self-similar pattern. In the context of plant medicine experiences, fractals

Veterans Seeking Relief with Ayahuasca
Healing the Hidden Wounds of War: How Ayahuasca Can Help Veterans with PTSD. If you’re a veteran struggling with PTSD, addiction, or other mental health concerns, consider visiting Sacha Wasi for a life-changing experience.